The Simian Undercover Detective Squad (or S.U.D.S.) is a webseries produced by The Jim Henson Company under its Henson Alternative banner. Simian Undercover Detective Squad was created, written, directed and produced by Deb Loftis and Perry Sachs. Fifteen webisodes premiered exclusively on the Xbox and Zune networks in April 2011.
Skreet (Allan Trautman) and Yeager (Ted Michaels) star in the series as members of the Simian Undercover Detective Squad.
The series was one of three Henson productions being produced as a joint venture between Warner Brothers' Studio 2.0 for The Realplayer Network's On December 19, 2007, a teaser trailer for the show was released. The series was originally planned to debut on in in the first quarter of 2008, however the release was delayed.
The episode "It's A Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad Goat", was released as a preview on YouTube on August 25, 2009.
In April 2011 the series was released to the Microsoft Zune Video Marketplace. In 2012 episodes were re-released on The Nerdist Channel.
- Episode 1: "The Hairy Hooker" (03:26)
- Episode 2: "A Number Between 1 and Death" (03:23)
- Episode 3: "It's A Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad Goat" (03:08)
- Episode 4: "Freaky Fraud-Day" (03:52)
- Episode 5: "C. O. D. - Chimp On Delivery" (03:56)
- Episode 6: "A Stalker's Born" (04:21)
- Episode 7: "The Rotten Peel Deal" (03:09)
- Episode 8: "Bootleg Booty" (02:14)
- Episode 9: "You're Only As Young As You Steal" (03:00)
- Episode 10: "Blackmarket Boobs" (02:58)
- Episode 11: "Lyin' On The Internet" (02:57)
- Episode 12: "Grope Therapy" (04:27)
- Episode 13: "The Maltese Banana" (04:41)
- Episode 14: "21 JumpSkreet" (03:53)
- Episode 15: "Escape From The Planet Of The People" (03:35)
Executive Producers:
Written, Directed and Produced by:
Produced by:
- Allan Trautman as Skreet
- Ted Michaels as Yeager
- Michael Oosterom as The Perps
- Paul Rugg as Captain Futz
- Esteban Powell as Spider
- Craig Di Francia as Johnny
Also starring:
- Zand Broumand
- Gina D'Acciaro
- Bryce Johnson
- Marisa Petroro
- Jerry Trainor
Special Guest Star:
- Josh Peck as himself
Music composer and producers:
- Daryl Orange
Production designer:
- Tom Lisowski
Puppet costume design:
- Julie Zobel
Director of photography:
- Robert C. Webb
Sound by:
- Reza Moosavi
- Tirawan Howard
- Heather O'Boyle
- Perry Sachs
Assistant Director:
- JT Codd
2nd Assistant Director:
- Tom Dean
Camera Operator:
- Jesse Bactat
1st Assistant Camera:
- Bryan Ariel Paz
Camera/editorial Assistant:
- Patrick Renfro
Set Decorator:
- Shira Gotshalk
- Eric S. Boland
Key Grip:
- Jason Wheeler
- Steven Davis
- Charles R. Matthews
- Fernando F. Montes
Script Supervisors:
- Liz Trainor
- Candelaria Herrera
- Zarac Lompart
Production Accountant:
- Brittan Brown
Production Assistant:
- Cynthia Barron
- Howard Sharp
- Johan filla
Executive Producer for Studio 2.0:
- Rich Rosenthal
Production Manager for Studio 2.0:
- Cassie Hamilton
Supervising Producer for
- Michael McMurray
Special thanks to:
- Nashid Ali
- Jay Pinder
- Kendall Wilson
- Gabe Benvenuto
- Kulia Sachs
- The Jim Henson Company Studios, Hollywood, CA