Henson Alternative Wiki
FROM Late Night Buffet
PERFORMER Julianne Buescher

Louisa Cappellini is the band leader of of Louisa Cappellini and her Four Course Band, the house band on Late Night Buffet with Augie and Del. Louisa plays the keyboards and sings.

Being a live-hand puppet, Julianne Buescher was assisted in performing Louisa Cappellini by Sean Johnson assisting.[1]

Some early press material listed the character's name as Gina Cappellini; however the name used in the Late Night Buffet pilots, Comic-Con preview film and later official documents all refer to her as Lousia.

A 2006 New York Times article gave an inside look at the building of Cappellini, citing Angelina Jolie as a reference for some of the character's features.

Inside a converted farmhouse on the grounds, an employee creates a new female character, Gina Cappellini, meant for one of the resident puppeteers, Julianne Buescher, who slides the puppet-in-progress over her hand. Gina’s eyes have yet to be glued on; they’re still trying to perfect her sloe-eyed expression with the help of an Angelina Jolie photo pinned to the wall.[2]


  1. Sean Johnson's Blog
  2. Wallenstein, Andrew. "Jokes That Kermit Wouldn’t Dare Tell", The New York Times. November 12, 2006